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Darenberg Noble Fuckeliana Sauvignon Blanc

Darenberg Noble Fuckeliana Sauvignon Blanc

Darenberg Noble Fuckeliana Sauvignon Blanc

$26.99 - $24.99 (by the mix case)

Botryotinia fuckeliana is the scientific name for a certain type of mould that affects fruit. Botrytis cinerea is a form that affects vineyards and is more affectionately known as ’noble rot’. Noble rot weakens the skin of the grape which causes the water in the berry to evaporate and leaves
behind the sugar and nutrients. Paradoxically to the lewd sounding name, Botryotinia fuckeli-ana is an asexual spore, named after German botanist, Karl Wilhelm Gottlieb Fuckel.

$26.99 ea

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SKU: 2146. Category: Wine/Dessert Wines.

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6 bottles