Imported Beer
Kwak Blonde 330ml
Kwak Blonde is a smooth and refreshing blonde beer, with delicate bitterness and subtle hints of aroma hops (such as Styrian Golding, Cascade and Simcoe), a firm head and, above all, the characteristic fruitiness of the Kwak yeast, expressed in hints of banana and pear.
Samuel Smith India Pale Ale 500ml
Brewed with well water, malted barley and a generous amount of choicest aroma hops, fermemnted in 'stone Yorkshire squares' to create an exceptionally full-flavoured complex ale with an abundance of maltiness and fruity hop character.
Samuel Smith Organic Pale Ale 550ml
Brewed with well water (the original well at the Old Brewery, sunk in 1758, is still in use, with the hard well water being drawn from 85 feet underground); best barley malt, yeast and aromatic hops; fermented in ‘stone Yorkshire squares’ to create a full, rounded flavour and after-taste.
Tyskie Beer 500ml Cans
Thick, white head, clarity and color in the hue of light gold.
A discerning beer drinker will sense in it malty notes, a delicate aroma of hops, and even apple-and-banana flavors.