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Callipo Yellowfin Tuna Olive Oil 2pk 160g Ea

Callipo Yellowfin Tuna Olive Oil 2pk 160g Ea

Callipo Yellowfin Tuna Olive Oil 2pk 160g Ea


Yellowfin tuna is characterised by its tender, compact, light rose, relatively lean flesh. We have always selected only the very best parts of the tuna, and all stages of the production process are carried out entirely in Italy: from the steaming process, which maintains the nutritional characteristics of the product, to the careful cleaning of the slices, up to the maturing stage, which is extended across several months so as to ensure that Callipo tuna always gives off that unmistakable fragrance when it is consumed.

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$9.50 ea

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SKU: 4587. Category: Food/Seafood.

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12 bottles