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  • Appleton Reserve Rum 8 Year Old

    Appleton Reserve Rum 8 Year Old

    The most versatile expression of full-bodied aged rum, revealing aromas of spicy fruit and oak, followed by hints of honey, vanilla and the signature Appleton Estate orange peel note.

  • Appleton Signature Blend Rum

    Appleton Signature Blend Rum

    This is a blend of pot and column still rums aged for an average of 4 years. A beautiful harvest gold and amber colour, with remarkable clarity and brilliance. Fruit forward expression with aromas and flavour notes of dried apricot, fresh peach and a subtle hint of sweet molasses. Finishes as serenely as it started.

  • Sale!Bacardi Rum 700ml

    Bacardi Rum 700ml

    Established in Cuba in 1862 by Don Facundo Bacardi Mass'O, Bacardi has a unique taste which is both subtle and delicate allowing it to complement light flavours such as mint and lime. It is quadruple distilled, double filtered and aged for two years in oak barrels. Put simply, your favourite drink will taste better with Bacardi.

    $46.99 $41.99
  • Badel Rum 1lt

    Badel Rum 1lt

    This is a spirit based product flavoured with an extract of Rum. Its amazing aroma and notes of caramel makes it a perfect drink or mixer.

  • Bear Hug Rum Mango

    Bear Hug Rum Mango

    A tropical paradise infusion. Juicy sweet, sun grown mangoes merged with premium five-times distilled Barbados virgin rum for your tongue to savour.

  • Cachaca 51 700ml

    Cachaca 51 700ml

    Cachaca otherwise known as the Brizilian Rum. A distillation of sugar cane juice gives Cachaça a light, sweet, character (very much like rum). A favourite in fruit cocktails and great for making Brazilian Caipirinhas.

    The bottle in the image is the older bottle style. We are currently selling the new style bottles. Enjoy this wonderful product.

  • Cachaca 51 Gold 700ml

    Cachaca 51 Gold 700ml

    Aged Cachaca, golden in colour, limpid and brilliant. Sweetish and smooth taste, with light notes of vanilla, peach and honey. Aroma of fruits and wood. You can drink in several ways. Try icy in sips or mixed with fruits

  • Captain Morgan Spice Rum

    Captain Morgan Spice Rum

  • Diplomatico Reserva Rum

    Diplomatico Reserva Rum

    An elegant, complex sipping rum carefully crafted by Master Blenders from the purest of sugar cane honey, aged in oak casks for up to twelve years.

  • Havana Anejo Especial

    Havana Anejo Especial

    Havana Club Añejo Especial has a bright, warm and mesmerising golden colour. An intense aroma, reminiscent of sugarcane with slightly smoky accents and hints of honey, vanilla and cinnamon. Havana Club Añejo Especial is an intense rum with a round and persistent finish. However, it retains the characteristic lightness of all Havana Club rums.

  • Havana Club 7yo Anos 700ml

    Havana Club 7yo Anos 700ml

    Sweet and buttery with intermingled notes of toffee, honeycomb and coffee, a little spice and dried peels with notes of orchard fruits and biscuits. Palate: Full and rich with notes of cigar box, particularly the cedar wood thereof, guava and banana leaf with more toffee. Finish: Fruity, creamy finish.

  • Marzadro Pellarossa Rum And Honey

    Marzadro Pellarossa Rum And Honey

    Here is the fruit of an old recipe revisited in a modern key! Redskin is a liquor made of Rum aged up to 12 years along with the precious honey of the bee-keeping about thirty. The result is a perfect balance between aroma, silky and spicy notes, twisted enveloping scents and tastes full and sweet.
