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Japanese Whiskey

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  • Akashi White Oak 500ml Blended Whiskey

    Akashi White Oak 500ml Blended Whiskey

    A very light, easy drinking blended whisky. 

    This is a very affordable entry level blend that makes it a great starting point for an adventure into Japanese whisky.

  • Akashi White Oak Blue Label Whisky 700ml

    Akashi White Oak Blue Label Whisky 700ml

    White Oak Akashi Blue Label Blended Japanese Whisky is reserved in Japanese Shochu casks (American Oak) for around 2 years, aged in bourbon cask before finishing in sherry casks for 12 months.

    On the nose this whisky has a fruity with a slightly sweet vanilla scents. 

    The palate is fresh with spice, oak, and hints of peat with a medium, spicy, and sweet finish.

  • Hibiki Master Select Whisky

    Hibiki Master Select Whisky

    Hibiki Japanese Harmony Master Select Limited Edition.

    Hibiki is a Japanese blend from the Suntory Distillery. Its malt and grain comes from Suntory’s 3 distilleries Yamazaki, Hakushu and Chita and has gained the status as the ultimate Japanese blend.

    The 24-sided bottle represents the 24 Sekki (seasons) in the Japanese lunar calendar.

    Hibiki Japanese Harmony Master Select Limited Edition was developed by fourth generation chief blender Shinji Fukuyo with production overseen by third generation master blender and great-grandson of the founder, Shingo Torii.

  • Kujira Whiskey 24yo 700ml

    Kujira Whiskey 24yo 700ml

    This Kujira Ryukyu Whisky is 100% selected rice distilled and matured in first fill bourbon barrels for more than 24 years by Kumesen Shuzo in Okinawa. Okinawa is part of the Ryukyu Islands, which are a chain of subtropical islands located at the southernmost tip of Japan. Kujira Ryukyu Whisky is an utterly unique tropical style Japanese Whisky. Thanks to the island’s warm climate, whisky takes less time to mature and thus has a stronger aroma and a bolder taste.

    On the nose this whisky has notes of herbs, dried plum, prune, mint.

    On the palate is displays characters of chocolate, vanila, spice, smoky woodiness.

    With a licorice, japanese pepper long finish.

  • Kura 12 Year Old Single Malt Japanese Whisky

    Kura 12 Year Old Single Malt Japanese Whisky

    Exceptionally hand crafted Okinawa Single Malt reserved in selected North American white oak casks for 12 years. Kura is made from best quality Indica with black Koji unique to Okinawa using traditional production methods of over 600 years of craftsmanship. Complex aroma and mellow taste bring whisky lovers to a different and new concept of true local Japanese Single Malt.

  • Kura 8 Year Old Single Malt Japanese Whisky

    Kura 8 Year Old Single Malt Japanese Whisky

    The Kura 8 Year Old Single Rice Whisky (Awamori) is exceptionally hand-crafted in Okinawa. It is reserved in selected North American white oak casks for 8 years.

    Kura is made from best quality Indica rice with black Koji unique to Okinawa using traditional production methods of over 600 years of craftsmanship.

    Complex aroma and mellow taste bring whisky lovers to a different and new concept of true local Japanese whisky.

  • Kura Malt Rum Cask Japanese Whisky

    Kura Malt Rum Cask Japanese Whisky

    Helios Distillery in Okinawa Japan has been known for producing rums and awamori for a few decades. Little do people know that they’ve been distilling their own whisky for a while and use their rum casks to finish this unique line of new blended whisky. An interesting addition to the world of Japanese whisky.

  • Kura The Whisky Sherry Cask Finish 750ml

    Kura The Whisky Sherry Cask Finish 750ml

    Kura The Whisky Sherry Cask Finish is matured in the finest Oloroso sherry casks. During the maturation process rich notes of winter berries, dried fruits, bitter dark chocolate and a gentle woodiness onto the light and fruity spirit is evident.

  • Nikka Whiskey Barrell 500ml

    Nikka Whiskey Barrell 500ml

  • Shin Umeshu Whisky 500ml

    Shin Umeshu Whisky 500ml

    Shin Whisky Umeshu is a plum liqueur made with 100% Japanese plums brewed with sochu (Japanese distilled rice beverage), which is then finished with Akashi whisky.

    Palate: Rich and well-balanced flavour of citrus and vanilla with moderate sweetness, and enjoy the lingering aftertaste of wooden aroma with distinctive notes of whisky.

  • Yamazakura Blended Whiskey Japanese 700ml

    Yamazakura Blended Whiskey Japanese 700ml
