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Dessert Wines

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  • De Bortoli Black Noble 500ml

    De Bortoli Black Noble 500ml

    Hints of toffee and coffee with raisins and mandarin peel. Unique and delicious, rich raisin and dried date fruit with hints of citrus peel, toffee and caramel flavours. Concentrated and viscous with lingering aged complexity.

  • Donnafugata Passito Ben Rye 375ml

    Donnafugata Passito Ben Rye 375ml

    The wine displays its extraordinary personality and depth initially with its bright amber yellow color. After the first, intense notes of apricots and peaches, the bouquet offers sweet sensations of dried figs, honey, herbs and mineral notes. The wine is impressive on the palate with its outstanding complexity due to a fusing of sweetness, sapidity and softness. A prolonged finish.
