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  • Boronia Marsala 750ml

    Boronia Marsala 750ml

    A traditional Italian dessert wine that is rich in fruit characters of raisin, dried pears, apricots and subtle notes of walnut and spice.

  • Brown Brothers Tawny

    Brown Brothers Tawny

    Previously referred to as ‘Australian Tawny Port’, our Australian Tawny shows the classic caramel treacle colour of a tawny style. Delicious aromas of spicy fruit cake and raisins are immediate on the nose, while on the palate this fortified is luscious and intense with caramel and aged rancio flavours – a direct result of blending mature and younger wines. The wood maturation of this wine enhances the developed qualities of richness and intensity. This port shows sweetness balanced by the drying sensations derived from extended ageing in oak barrels, and a lengthy and lingering spicy finish.

  • Bullers Fine Old Tawny

    Bullers Fine Old Tawny

    Shows all the characteristics of long term ageing in oak complex ,mature, spicy flavours and a deeply satisfying dry finish.

    The Buller Fine Old range of fortified wines show the benefit of over 80 years of wine making experience.

  • Bullers Malmsey

    Bullers Malmsey

    Malmsey is a unique style to the house of Buller. It is equally suited as an aperitif, with dessert or after dinner. In the kitchen a dash of Malmsey can add flavour to many a dish.

  • Bullers Tawny Port

    Bullers Tawny Port

    Wood aging softens the tannic structure of port wine leaving it with a slight nutty character combined with hints of orange rind, raisin, and figs.

  • Casano Cremovo Marsala 750ml

    Casano Cremovo Marsala 750ml

    This sweet wine is originally from Marsala . Its ancestral recipe has been preserved. "The intense and delicate scent of egg is combined with the harmonious, fragrant and velvety scent of Marsala

  • Casano Semi Dry Marsala 750ml

    Casano Semi Dry Marsala 750ml

    At Casano, quality wines are at the core of strategy and decision-making, supported by the firm choice of using only native grapes and the commitment to preserving and enhancing the Marsala wine region. At the Casano’s cellar, highly developed technology and new vinification techniques ensure maximum respect and preservation of the best organoleptic characteristics of the grapes, which are sourced from the family vineyard and carefully selected neighboring vineyards. This authentic Red Wine from Sicily is perfect for cooking with or for an after-dinner dessert.

  • Croft Original Pale Cream Sherry

    Croft Original Pale Cream Sherry

    Croft Pale Cream is a subtle blend of the paleness and dry taste of a quality fino, with the intensity and full-bodied palate of a cream.

    With a delicate pale colour, it is smooth and irresistible.

     Light and refreshing on the palate with a pleasant sweet finish.rnCroft original should be served well chilled.

  • De Bortoli 8 Year Old Port

    De Bortoli 8 Year Old Port

    Lifted aromas of ripe dark fruit and nuts with barrel aged characters. Wonderfully integrated fruit, almond, chocolate and nutty flavours together with barrel aged characters combine to give a persistent flavoursome palate.

  • Dows Late Bottle Vintage Port

    Dows Late Bottle Vintage Port

    Full-bodied, rich and perfectly balanced, Dow’s Late Bottled Vintage Ports are carefully selected to reflect the unique characteristics of each vintage, and are only bottled in the best years. Dow’s 2016 Late Bottled Vintage Port shares the same provenance with Dow’s legendary Vintage Ports, the iconic Douro properties of Quinta do Bomfim and Quinta Senhora da Ribeira. Aged in seasoned oak vats four to six years before bottling and release (ready to drink), and carrying Dow’s distinctive drier finish, this is an LBV worthy of attention.

  • El Candado Pedro Ximenez

    El Candado Pedro Ximenez

    Of reddish ambrée colour, the powerful nose evokes the dry nut and fruits (date). The liqueur-like mouth reveals notes of mocha coffee and honey. The fresh final evolves/moves on nut and fig. Liqueur wine, best served at temperature approximately 8°C.

  • Elegante Fino Sherry

    Elegante Fino Sherry

    Bright, pale golden colour. A crisp, dry fino with a flowery, pear character and subtle clean taste with a sharp, elegant, and delicate bouquet. Elegante Fino should be served well chilled.
