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  • Bosca Luigi Moscato Asti

    Bosca Luigi Moscato Asti

    Made with verdi and natural peach aromas, lively, fizzy and fruity, Peach sparkletini is a sophisticated.


    Delicately sweet spumante with an extraordinary peach aroma.

  • Brown Brothers Moscato

    Brown Brothers Moscato

    This current release is a light straw colour with some youthful green tinges, while the nose is lifted with aromas of musk, citrus and freshly crushed grapes. In the mouth the wine is alive with a vibrant and mouth filling sherbet flavour. A wine of universal appeal, the retained carbon dioxide gives a mild frizzante effect resulting in a lively and fresh wine. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

  • Brown Brothers Moscato And Pinot Grigo

    Brown Brothers Moscato And Pinot Grigo

  • Brown Brothers Moscato Sauvignon Blanc

    Brown Brothers Moscato Sauvignon Blanc

  • De Bortoli Petit Moscato 750ml

    De Bortoli Petit Moscato 750ml

    Made from Muscat Rouge à Petits Grains, Petit Moscato is a ball of fun and flavour with the perfect balance of bright fruits, soft acidity and spritzy finish. Indulgent refreshment - perfect for dressing up the garden party!

  • Fiore Moscato 200ml

    Fiore Moscato 200ml

    It is a crystal clear sparkling wine highlighted by subtle green hues. Rich and floral aromas of roses and sweet spice flow from the attractive bouquet while the palate is juicy and vibrant, brimming with lychee and grape flavours. These flavours and fragrances are balanced by underlying sweetness to end in a spritzy and refreshing finale. This refreshing Moscato has a short-term cellaring potential, and tastes great well-chilled either as an aperitif or served with fresh fruit desserts and fruit salads.

  • Fiore Moscato 750ml

    Fiore Moscato 750ml

    It is a crystal clear sparkling wine highlighted by subtle green hues. Rich and floral aromas of roses and sweet spice flow from the attractive bouquet while the palate is juicy and vibrant, brimming with lychee and grape flavours. These flavours and fragrances are balanced by underlying sweetness to end in a spritzy and refreshing finale. This refreshing Moscato has a short-term cellaring potential, and tastes great well-chilled either as an aperitif or served with fresh fruit desserts and fruit salads.

  • Fiore Pink Moscato 200ml

    Fiore Pink Moscato 200ml

    Fresh spritzy Pink Moscato with lifted rose water and a hint of spicy poached pears. Delicate notes of jasmine sweetness with balanced fresh pomegranate providing a luscious and soft palate. Simply delicious!

  • Fiore Pink Moscato 750ml

    Fiore Pink Moscato 750ml

    Fresh spritzy Pink Moscato with lifted rose water and a hint of spicy poached pears. Delicate notes of jasmine sweetness with balanced fresh pomegranate providing a luscious and soft palate. Simply delicious!

  • Sale!Mama Lemon Moscato

    Mama Lemon Moscato

    Grape Variety Moscato and Lemon. Bouquet Intense citrus and lemon notes. Taste Good citrus freshness, accompanied by a pleasant drink and long persistence.

    $23.99 $14.99
  • Sale!Mama Mango Moscato 750ml

    Mama Mango Moscato 750ml

    Mamamango is a bubbly Moscato that is made using white wine grapes of Canelli and infused with mango purée to produce a sweet, easy drinking wine. 

    $23.99 $14.99
  • Pertinace Moscato Dasti Docg

    Pertinace Moscato Dasti Docg

    A sweet white wine made with Moscato grapes coming from our vineyards. Is excellent with desserts, tea buiscuits and custards. Straw yellow color with golden reflections, aromatic. Reminiscent of the grape from which it derives; sweet taste, clearly linked to the aromatic structure of the grape. 
