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  • 818 Tequila Anejo 700ml

    818 Tequila Anejo 700ml

    818 Tequila Anejo boasts a deep and complex, and rich flavour profile, with notes of orange peel, chocolate and toffee from ageing for over a year in oak barrels. Truly excellent tequila is something worth searching for, savouring, and celebrating.

  • 818 Tequila Anejo Eight Reserve 700ml

    818 Tequila Anejo Eight Reserve 700ml

    What emerged is a painstakingly crafted blend, bringing a level of complexity, softness and depth rarely experienced in tequila. The result is an elegant expression that is incredibly smooth and rich. Our Eight Reserve is an award-winning blend of Añejo and Extra Añejo tequila aged up to 8 years.


    TASTE Cooked agave, vanilla, cinnamon, dried berries, and praline AROMA Vanilla, clove & cinnamon, toasted nuts, honey, orange peel, and black cherry BODY & COLOR Light amber with copper hues, full bodied FINISH Prolonged and silky smooth, elegant aftertaste with fruit and spiced accents

  • 818 Tequila Reposado 700ml

    818 Tequila Reposado 700ml

    818 Tequila Reposado is aged in French and American oak barrels for a minimum of 3 months. Ripe roasted agave flavor with notes of caramel and vanilla. Smooth caramel finish with notes of sweet cooked agave pecan pie.

  • Aha Toro Anejo Tequila 700ml

    Aha Toro Anejo Tequila 700ml

    Aged in barrels for at least a year. It has a darker colour than Reposado and a more distinct character, given by the barrel. Añejo is a great introduction to Tequila or a perfect alternative to traditional avecs such as malt whiskey or cognac.

  • Clase Azul Plata Tequila 750ml

    Clase Azul Plata Tequila 750ml

    Clase Azul Plata is an ultra-premium tequila made from Tequilana Weber Blue Agaves- This silver tequila offers a surprising hint of sweetness and completely smooth flavor profile that makes it perfect to drink neat or in premium cocktails.








    Very big mouth-feel and long, often sweet after taste.

  • El Jimador Anejo Tequila

    El Jimador Anejo Tequila

    Añejo, which means "aged" in Spanish, is el Jimador's richest expression. This exceptional, award-winning tequila is double distilled and rested through the traditional aging process for 12 months in American oak barrels. Crafted from the finest blue agave and 100% estate bottled, el Jimador Añejo is truly exceptional tequila as pleasing to the eye as it is to the palate. Perfect for sipping straight up or over ice

  • El Jimador Blanco Tequila

    El Jimador Blanco Tequila

    El Jimador Blanco is a young, fresh and natural tequila. Made from 100% blue agave, this sparklingly clear tequila is double-distilled to remove impurities and immediately bottled to preserve its crisp, authentic character. Its lively flavour and citrusy after tones make it an exceptional choice for classic Mexican drinks and other festive cocktails

  • El Jimador Reposado Agave

    El Jimador Reposado Agave

  • El Tequileno Tequila Anejo

    El Tequileno Tequila Anejo

     El Tequileño Añejo Gran Reserva begins with 100% premium grown mature Blue Agave from the Highlands of Jalisco. These are combined with the mineral rich water from El Volcan de Tequila and distilled in copper pot stills. Aged to perfection in American & French oak, this is the perfect marriage of our finest Añejos and exclusive Reserve Extra Anejos giving this tequila great depth and complexity.


    Nose: Oak, vanilla, Orange, Cooked Agave


    Palate: Sweet oak, vanilla, cooked agave, sweet spices, orange, dried fruit, caramel
  • El Tequileno Tequila Blanco

    El Tequileno Tequila Blanco

     El Tequileño Blanco, a long-standing favorite that has won the hearts and minds of the people in the magical town of Tequila and the surrounding area. This historical tequila is the main ingredient in ‘La Batanga’ cocktail, created by Don Javier of world-famous La Capilla cantina.
    Nose: Cooked agave, herbal notes, delicate notes of anis and black pepper
    Palate: Sweet cooked agave
  • Espolon Blanco Tequila

    Espolon Blanco Tequila

    Espolon Blanco Tequila 700ml Espolon is an adventure through the pure essence & storied culture of real Mexico, enabling those who demand all things genuine to enjoy a premium, 100% agave tequila, & embark on the creation of their own true stories. Soft mouth-feel, light to medium bodied w/bright Agave Flavour. Notes of Pepper, Vanilla Bean, grilled pineapple & spice.

  • Espolon Reposado Tequila

    Espolon Reposado Tequila

    Espolon is an adventure through the pure essence & storied culture of real Mexico, enabling those who demand all things genuine to enjoy a premium, 100% agave tequila, & embark on the creation of their own true stories. Bold, round mouth-feel leads to a medium dry, full bodied palate with rich roasted agave, sweet tropical fruit, intense vanilla & brown spices.
