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  • Amara 100ml

    Amara 100ml

    For Amara, two different varieties of blood oranges, Gallo Tarot and Tarot Nocellara are infused with special bitter herbs and sugar in a recipe that is fiercely guarded by founders Giuseppe Librizzi and Edoardo Strano. The resulting liqueur is a taste revelation of sweet citrus and mildly bitter herbs.

  • Amaro Di Sicilia Russo 700ml

    Amaro Di Sicilia Russo 700ml

    This liqueur is made by herbs and roots picked the territory around mount Etna depending on an ancient recipe. The procedure is traditional, so this pleasant liqueur preserves all the aromatic and digestive qualities of its ingredients. Excellent straight and on the rocks. Mixed with soda water it is an exclusive aperitif.

  • Amaro D'abruzzo  Evangelista 700ml

    Amaro D'abruzzo Evangelista 700ml

    With a bitter taste that lingers on, it can be enjoyed neat, or as a long drink mixed with soda water, enjoy the bitterness of this amaro after dinner.

  • Amaro D'abruzzo Evangelista 200ml

    Amaro D'abruzzo Evangelista 200ml

    Amaro with a unique taste, intense in flavour, a perfect combination of many natural herbs and spices. Excellent accompanied after meals, iced or with soda water. Its intense bitterness provides to be an excellent digestive, and delights palates after a meal. 

  • Amaro Lucano

    Amaro Lucano

    Amaro Lucano was created in 1894 from a secret recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation in the Vena family. Thanks to the skilful blend of more than 30 herbs it has a decisive taste that is perfect for all occasions. It can be enjoyed neat, chilled, with ice or orange zest. Perfect as a base for cocktails. Alcohol by volume: 28%.

  • Amaro Lucano 1 Litre

    Amaro Lucano 1 Litre

    Amaro Lucano is made with over 30 herbs, some of them being wormwood, absinthe gentile, clary sage, achillea moscata, cardo santo, sweet orange, angelica, gentian, elder, rue and aloe to name but some of the ingredients.

  • Amaro Montenegro 700ml

    Amaro Montenegro 700ml

  • Amaro Riserva Evanglista 500ml

    Amaro Riserva Evanglista 500ml

    The careful aging in oak barrels enhances the preciousness of this liqueur, making it a limited "Reserve" ... To "pamper" your connoisseur's palate.

  • Amaro Rupes Calabria

    Amaro Rupes Calabria

    Amaro Rupes is a digestive bitter produced in Calabria that comes from the infusion of thirty officinal herbs including Calabrian licorice , wild fennel and bay leaves . An amaro that boasts prestigious awards and recognitions.

  • Antica Torino Amaro Della Sacra

    Antica Torino Amaro Della Sacra

    Antica Torino has turned to traditional times where vermouth was made with whichever ingredients was readily, and most importantly locally, available. Using white wine as a base they take botanicals from the garden, fresh rosemary, bay laurel, thyme, oregano, wormwood, gentian, rhubarb, vanilla to name a few. There are no colorants, clarifying agents, or artificial preservatives added instead all natural beet sugar is used for colour. A beautiful Amaro style vermouth here.

  • Beltion Amaro Elisir Del Levante

    Beltion Amaro Elisir Del Levante

  • Beltion Amaro Mediterraneo

    Beltion Amaro Mediterraneo
