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Arnaldo Sagrantino Collepiano

Arnaldo Sagrantino Collepiano

Arnaldo Sagrantino Collepiano

$99.99 - $92.99 (by the mix case)

Sagrantino Collepiano symbolises the “Renaissance” of Montefalco as a wine region. This wine’s roots are entrenched in a secular tradition and is produced with Sagrantino, a unique variety grown only in Montefalco. Collepiano is Sagrantino & rsquos area of production, and refers to the gentle slopes that characterise our hills.

Aromatically sensational, intense, with notes of mature fruit and hints of spice and aromas of vanilla transcended from the barriques. Potent, soft and velvety, with an aftertaste slightly bitter.

$99.99 ea

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SKU: 822. Category: Wine/Italian Reds.

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Montefalco, Umbria




6 bottles