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Luca Ciano Pumpkin And Amaretti Sauce 480g

Luca Ciano Pumpkin And Amaretti Sauce 480g

Luca Ciano Pumpkin And Amaretti Sauce 480g


This unique combination is Chef Luca Ciano’s take on the famous Italian Pumpkin ravioli. The filling is turned into a flavorsome pasta sauce combo. The sweetness of the pumpkin matches perfectly with the subtle nutty flavor of the Amaretti. Italian Grana Padano cheese is then added, a perfect match! Created and developed to suit any pasta dish, especially for vegetarian creations, but also to be used for risotto by simply adding the sauce mid-way through the rice cooking process.

Perfect Sauce for any vegetarian Pasta dish & Risotto.

$11.00 ea

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SKU: 4674. Category: Food/Preserves.

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12 bottles