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Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Royal Fig Extra Jam 720g

    Royal Fig Extra Jam 720g

    A yummy Greek style fig jam. Perfect for your breakfast reciepes

  • Solefrutta Blood Orange Marmalade 350gr

    Solefrutta Blood Orange Marmalade 350gr

  • Solefrutta Fig Jam 350gr

    Solefrutta Fig Jam 350gr

  • Solefrutta Orange Marmalade 350gr

    Solefrutta Orange Marmalade 350gr

    Oranage marmalade

    82% Italian fresh fruit.

  • Solefrutta Strawberry Jam 350gr

    Solefrutta Strawberry Jam 350gr

    Strawberry jam

    82% Italian fresh fruit

  • St Dalfour Black Cherry Spread 284g

    St Dalfour Black Cherry Spread 284g

    St Dalfour Black Cherry Fruit Spread. Hand crafted in France from a traditional family recipe. Classic cherry flavour complete with a noticeable tartness. Pairs well with cheesecake, truffles and sourdough toast.

  • St Dalfour Orange Marmalade Spread 284g

    St Dalfour Orange Marmalade Spread 284g

    St Dalfour Orange Marmalade Fruit Spread. Hand crafted in France from a traditional family recipe. Traditional orange marmalade with a superb flavour compete with a noticeable tartness. Pairs well with chocolate, gouda and homemade biscuits.

  • St Dalfour Plum Royale Spread 284g

    St Dalfour Plum Royale Spread 284g

    Crafted from the finest plums, this luscious spread offers a perfect balance of tartness and sweetness in every spoonful. Versatile and indulgent, it pairs exquisitely with freshly baked croissants, warm toast, or stirred into creamy Greek yogurt for a luxurious morning treat.

  • St Dalfour Raspberry Spread 284g

    St Dalfour Raspberry Spread 284g

    St Dalfour Raspberry Fruit Spread. Hand crafted in France from a traditional family recipe. Classic raspberry flavour with a noticeable tartness and sweet finish. Pairs well with French toast, ricotta and angel food cake.

  • St Dalfour Strawberry Spread 284g

    St Dalfour Strawberry Spread 284g

    Hand crafted in France from a traditional family recipe. Classic strawberry flavour with a velvety finish and rich texture. Pairs well with shortbread, cream cheese and champagne. 100% from fruit.
