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A Lecoq Premuim Beer No Alc Red Label 500ml

A Lecoq Premuim Beer No Alc Red Label 500ml

A Lecoq Premuim Beer No Alc Red Label 500ml


A. Le Coq Premium non-alcoholic wheat beer is a German style wheat beer, which has had the alcohol removed through the vacuum distillation method. Although the alcohol has been removed, the beer has retained the characteristic flavour of traditional wheat beers. It is therefore the ideal choice for those who have decided to decrease their alcohol consumption, but don’t want to limit themselves to water and soft drinks. This is a naturally fermented drink, which consists of only natural ingredients and has no added sugar.

$49.99 - (case 24)

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SKU: 47125. Category: Beer/Non-alcoholic Beer.

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24 bottles