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  • Malfy Gin Lemon 700ml

    Malfy Gin Lemon 700ml

    Valentine's day is fast approaching, this product is a good HIS gift. 

    It has delightful citrus, and juniper on the nose, with a complex flavour of anice, citrus and coriander. 

    Perfect with a premium tonic, (such as fever-tree, which can be found here: ) and with a slice of lemon.

  • Malfy Gin Original 700ml

    Malfy Gin Original 700ml

  • Malfy Gin Rosa Pink Grapefruit 700ml

    Malfy Gin Rosa Pink Grapefruit 700ml

    Valentine's day is fast approaching, this product is a good HER gift. 

    The taste is juicy fresh grapefruit, with a rich long juniper finish. Enjoy this colourful burst of Italian sunshine on the rocks, with tonic or in your favourite cocktail. 

  • Mandrake Cucumber And Mint Gin

    Mandrake Cucumber And Mint Gin

    The Juniper berries, coriander seed, grains of paradise and green cardamom are milled by hand using our grain mill which pre-dates the Australian Constitution. This allows access for our spirit to the highly flavourful and aromatic centre. The distillation is done slowly over the course of several hours to ensure that no unpleasant characters make it into the final spirit. The cucumber and mint are infused post distillation as they have very delicate aromas and flavours, so we don’t boil them as this would generate a vegetal unpleasant pungent character.

  • Marzadro Luz Gin

    Marzadro Luz Gin

    Leonardo Veronesi began the first experiments with the creation of Luz Gin in 2013. After years of experimentation with different botanical species, we managed to obtained a distillate that is both fresh and aromatic. Made by 9 botanical species, all from Trentino ( Juniper;Bay leaves; Olive leaves, Asperula, Rosemary, Sage; Clary Sage, Wild Mint, Lemon) left to infuse separately and subsequently distilled in a 1000 litre discontinuous alembic still

  • Nordes Gin 700ml

    Nordes Gin 700ml

    Nordes is a Galician gin inspired by the eponymous fresh northerly Atlantic wind. Made using pomace from Albarino grapes, the botanicals include juniper, ginger, hibiscus and liquorice, resulting in a unique and intriguing gin.

  • Nosferatu Blood Orange Gin

    Nosferatu Blood Orange Gin

    It's love at first bite when you succumb to the sweet, sweet aromas of orange and spice in the oh-so-heavy gin. Oh, and there's just a little bite at the end. Like no other gin. 

  • Ounce Gin Bold

    Ounce Gin Bold

    Herbal, savoury and harmonious, Ounce Gin ‘Bold’ is a rich and intriguing gin to be savoured with gusto. Pronounced Juniper leads to a chorus of 13 botanicals including Sage, Thyme, Black Cardamom and Pepper. We suggest Soda or Tonic with Green Olives, neat or in a Martini.

  • Ounce Gin Signature

    Ounce Gin Signature

    Ounce Gin ‘Signature’ is a union of 14 mindfully selected botanicals. Orange, Vanilla and Cardamom invigorate a traditional base of Juniper, Coriander Seed and Angelica Root to yield a characterful dry gin. We suggest a ‘G&T’ with a wheel of orange, an ‘Army & Navy’ or a ‘Negroni’ made with our Ruby Bitter Aperitif

  • Roby Marton Gin 700ml

    Roby Marton Gin 700ml

    Our Gin is obtained through the infusion of an unusual bouquet of 11 classic and exotic botanicals in pure neutral grain pot-stilled alcohol. To maintain unaltered the whole scent of the botanicals infused, the spirit is not filtered before being gently finished with pure spring water.

    The taste is complex, clean and well structured. The nose is both spicy and citric, with a nice balance of licorice, ginger and juniper. The palate is dry with an uncommon and persisting exotic spicy flavour bestowed by ginger and pink pepper. Finishes dry with a citrus back. It is pale yellow in colour.

  • Tanqueray Gin

    Tanqueray Gin

    A blend of the purest triple-distilled spirit and a hand picked selection of four botanicals, London Dry Gin offers uniquely balanced gin experience.

  • The London Gin No1 50ml

    The London Gin No1 50ml

    Distilled in small batches in the heart of London, this gin's unique flavour is the result of the quality of the raw ingredients used, as well as its distillation in Pot Stills (traditionally the only stills used for distillation in small quantities).
