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Olive Oil

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  • Gargiulo Italia Olio Rosmarino 100ml

    Gargiulo Italia Olio Rosmarino 100ml

    Extra virgin olve oil flavored with rosemary is also enjoyed on grilled meats and on grilled fish. It is also ideal to prepare delicious baked potatoes.

  • Gargiulo Lemon Extra Virgin Olive Oil 250ml Tin

    Gargiulo Lemon Extra Virgin Olive Oil 250ml Tin

    Combining two of our most famous products from the Sorrentine Coast, Frantoio Gargiulo produce the most perfect Extra Virgin Lemon infused Olive Oil. It is the perfect accompaniment to many dishes, but notably both fresh and cooked vegetables, and especially fish. We even like to use it on Pizza!

  • Gargiulo Onda Aglio Olio Peperoncino 100ml

    Gargiulo Onda Aglio Olio Peperoncino 100ml

    A simple condiment packing so much flavour, perfect for when you are cooking against the clock! Our Extra Virgin olive oil infused with Garlic and Chillies is so versatile, we also love to season seafood & pulse/bean dishes with it. 

  • Gargiulo Orange Extra Virgin Oil 250ml Tin

    Gargiulo Orange Extra Virgin Oil 250ml Tin

    Sorrento has been producing its famous oranges for centuries, exporting them all over Europe. The Gargiulo family decided to try and make the most out of these delicious citrus fruits, from the fragrant rind to the naturally sweet juice – by combining them with their precious olives here at the family mill. And this is how our Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with Sorrento Oranges was born.

  • Gargiulo Puttanesca Ex Virgin Olive Oil 175ml

    Gargiulo Puttanesca Ex Virgin Olive Oil 175ml

    Our Puttanesca Oil is made with our extra virgin olive oil, chillies, black olives, tomato, parsley and garlic – this is all infused into the oil. And the result provides everything you need to make the classic Italian pasta dish “Puttanesca”. This will be your secret weapon for a delicious but super quick pasta dish!

  • Gargiulo Syrrenyum Anfora Bt 500ml Ex Virgin

    Gargiulo Syrrenyum Anfora Bt 500ml Ex Virgin

  • Gargiulo Vaniglia Evoo 250ml

    Gargiulo Vaniglia Evoo 250ml

    Gargiulo’s famous oil, infused with vanilla pods produces the most divinely aromatic flavour. Especially good for enriching the flavours of custards, creams, muffins, cakes, biscuits… and more. Trying it in a savoury recipe, will leave you pleasantly surprised. Try it on salads, white meats, risotto and even fish and shellfish dishes.

  • Gargiulo White Truffle 100ml Tin

    Gargiulo White Truffle 100ml Tin

    By infusing white truffle, the most valuable in Italy, in our superior extra virgin olive oil, it allows the truffle to slowing release all its flavour. The result is a rich, intense forest aroma, which really lends itself to adding flavour and elevating a wide range of dishes, including vegetable creamed soup, cheese fondue and a whole range of pasta dishes.

  • Gargiulo White Truffle Evoo 250ml Btt

    Gargiulo White Truffle Evoo 250ml Btt

    Exclusive to Amatos Liquor Mart

    White truffle oil

    Frantoio Gargiulo’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with White Truffle brings together the delicate, aromatic flavour of white truffle with the goodness of extra virgin olive oil, creating the perfect equilibrium between these two shining stars of the Italian Gastronomic scene.
    This is something that Truffle lovers simply cannot be without for not only its versatility in the kitchen but also its ability to elevate even the simplest of dishes to an “gourmet” level

  • Gargiulo Zenzero Evoo 250ml

    Gargiulo Zenzero Evoo 250ml

    Our Ginger oil is fresh with a kick of heat. You will find this oil comes in handy for many dishes – and often helps to even out flavours. Ideal for all types of vegetables, chicken, rice, fish, and shellfish. Also great for marinating – and why not try it next time you bake a cake.

  • Genco Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sicilia 3lt

    Genco Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sicilia 3lt

    Genco Organic Olive Oil delivers the finest imported organic extra virgin olive oil made of Italian olives pressed in Sicily. Product of Italy.

    In 1925 Vito Corleone launched the Genco Pura Oilive Oil Company. Today the Corleone Family traditions continues with these fine Selected Products 

    The Genco Pura Olive Oil Company take their inspiration directly from the on-screen business used to launder the Corleone mafia family’s funds

  • Isole E Olena Evoo 500ml Tuscany Evoo

    Isole E Olena Evoo 500ml Tuscany Evoo

    Enjoy drizzling this gorgeous olive oil from a terrific Chianti producer. It is a full-bodied Tuscan olive oil with flavors of green vegetable, basil and green banana fruit.
